What is Polymarket?
Polymarket is the world’s largest prediction market.
We use the power of markets to create accurate real-time predictions of the events that matter most to you.
What do the prices mean?
Prices (odds) represent the current probability of an event taking place.
For example: In a market on whether Donald Trump will win the 2024 Republican Nomination, if “Yes” shares are trading at 72c, that means there is a 72% chance that Donald Trump will win.
How do Polymarket users make money?
In the above example, if a trader believes the true odds of Trump winning the Republican nomination are greater than 72%, they would buy “Yes” shares for 72c each.
If they’re right, meaning Trump wins the nomination, each “Yes” share would be worth $1. That’s a 28c profit per share. Conversely, any trader who owned “No” shares would see their investment become worthless.
Positions on Polymarket are tradable. Our users can sell their shares at any time at the current market odds.
How accurate are the odds?
Research has shown prediction markets to be considerably more accurate, on average, than polls and pundits.
Traders combine all available information: news, polls, and expert opinions, and make informed trades based on that combined knowledge. Their economic incentive ensures that as more savvy traders participate, the market’s price (ie. the probability) will change to more accurately reflect the true current odds.
That’s why prediction markets are the best source of real-time event probabilities. People around the world use Polymarket to get the most accurate odds of the events they care about, thereby gaining the ability to make informed decisions about the future.
If you’re an expert on a certain topic, Polymarket is your opportunity to profit from trading based on your knowledge, while improving the market’s accuracy.
Polymarket is the future of news.
As a sponsor, does Polymarket get to make editorial decisions at TYT?
What else is part of this sponsorship?
As part of this sponsorship Cenk will be doing some additional content on YouTube Live twice a month. He’ll dive into some of the charts on Polymarket. They’re super interesting and help us better understand public opinion.