Hi y’all! I always reply to any news articles or viral tweets addressing abortion with information about local abortion funds, and several people asked me to compile the tweets into a shareable document! If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please DM me on Twitter (@helmsinki).

This document contains sample language for tweets related to promoting abortion access in every state. Whether or not you copy paste this language into tweets, I encourage y’all to follow and donate to the organizations I have cited. If you share this document, I recommend using the url I made: https://bit.ly/AbortionFundsTwitter 


Abortion is still legal in [insert state here]! Check out https://ineedana.com to find the clinic and funds nearest you.

Anyone looking for ways to help abortion access in the US right now should read this thread! https://twitter.com/helmsinki/status/1320875980123234305?s=19  

There is a strong network of abortion funds throughout the country that have provided financial and practical support for decades! Folks can visit http://abortionfunds.org/need-abortion to find their local one 😊

Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in the United States should donate to @AbortionCare to keep independent clinics (which provide 2/3 of abortions open) at https://keepourclinics.org or to their local @AbortionFundshttps://abortionfunds.org/need-abortion 

This a great opportunity to remind people that not just women get abortions! Say people instead of women and acknowledge the experiences of trans men and nonbinary people who have abortions πŸ’• https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0002937820311261  

There are practical support orgs throughout the US that help abortion seekers travel to different states for their procedures, such as @BrigidAlliance and @MidwestAccess!

Brigid: https://brigidalliance.org/donation/ 

MAC: https://midwestaccesscoalition.org/pages/donate 

There are already existing networks of abortion funds, abortion clinics, and apps and websites to help abortion seekers locate the best ones for them, such as @AbortionCare and @i_need_an_a

ACN: https://abortioncarenetwork.org/find-a-clinic/

I Need An A: https://ineedana.com 😊 

I encourage everyone to donate to @IWRising 😊 their initiatives include financial and practical support for Indigenous abortion seekers in the US and Canada, midwifery support, and advocacy surrounding repro justice related issues! https://iwrising.org  

There are ways to legally get an abortion without your parents' permission if you are under 18 😊 call or text @JanesDueProcess at 866-999-5263 and they will help you navigate the process!


Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Alabama should donate to @ARC_Southeasthttps://arc-southeast.org/donate   

Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Alaska should donate to @nwaafundhttps://nwaafund.org/donate  

Folks can donate to three Arizona abortion funds at once at this link, including @abortionfundAZ@IWRising, and Tuscon Abortion Support Collective! https://secure.actblue.com/donate/arizonafunds 

Anyone reading this interested in promoting abortion access in Arkansas should donate to @ARAbortionSppthttps://www.arabortionsupport.org/donate  


Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in California should donate to @access_rjhttps://www.classy.org/give/312683/#!/donation/checkout  

Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Colorado should donate to @CobaltAdvocates @COdoulaproject @bvwhc and @colorlatina!

Cobalt: https://secure.everyaction.com/nQGxfqOdwEa31h-ZqEpCyg2

CDP: https://www.coloradodoulaproject.org/donate 

BVWHC: https://www.boulderwomenshealth.org/donate 

COLOR: https://secure.everyaction.com/MrgKRNNy-kmySutDOr2Khw2 

Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Connecticut should follow @ProChoiceCT!


Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Washington DC should donate to @DCAbortionFundhttps://dcabortionfund.org/donate 

Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Delaware should follow @PPAdvocacyDE


Anyone reading this interested in promoting abortion access in Florida can use this link to donate to 6 abortion funds at once, including @FLAccessNetwork@ARC_Southeast@EMAwpb and @tbafundhttps://secure.actblue.com/donate/fundabortionfl?refcode=social 


Abortion seekers in Guam can now access abortion through telemedicine! https://www.guampdn.com/news/court-grants-preliminary-injunction-for-doctors-in-telemedicine-abortion-case/article_3661e7d2-0c86-11ec-9c96-376b3ea34690.html 

Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Georgia should donate to @ARC_Southeast and @FWHC!

ARC: https://arc-southeast.org/donate  

FWHC: https://www.feministcenter.org/donate  


Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Hawaii should donate to the UH Reproductive Justice Fund! https://giving.uhfoundation.org/funds/12751604 


Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Idaho should donate to @nwaafundhttps://nwaafund.org/donate  

Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Illinois should donate to @ChiAbortionFundhttps://chicagoabortionfund.salsalabs.org/makeadonation/index.html 

Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Indiana should donate to @AllOptionsPRC Hoosier Fund! https://all-options.networkforgood.com/projects/96126-all-options-mutual-aid-campaign

Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Iowa should donate to @IAAFundhttps://www.iowaabortionaccessfund.org/product/donation 


Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Kansas should donate to @KansasAFhttps://kansasabortionfund.org/give-1 

Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Kentucky should donate to @KyHealthJusticehttp://www.kentuckyhealthjusticenetwork.org/donate.html  


Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Louisiana should donate to @NolaAbortionFndhttps://neworleansabortionfund.org/donate  


Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Maine should donate to SAFE Maine and @FPAMaine!

SAFE: https://safemaine.org/donate-today/ 

FPA: https://interland3.donorperfect.net/weblink/weblink.aspx?name=fpamaine&id=10 

Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Massachusetts should donate to @EMA_Fund @ARFWM and @JaneFundMA!

EMA: https://emafund.org/donate 

ARFWM: https://arfwm.org/donate 

Jane: https://janefund.org/donate 😊

Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Maryland should donate to @BaltimoreFundhttps://www.baltimoreabortionfund.org/donate 

Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Michigan should donate to @Reclaim_Project and the Fountain Street Choice Fund!

Reclaim: https://reclaimproject.org/donate/

Fountain Street: https://fountainstreet.churchcenter.com/giving 😊

Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Minnesota should donate to @OurJusticeRJ @JustThePill and the Hot Dish Militia!

Our Justice: https://www.ourjustice.net/donate

Just the Pill: https://www.justthepill.com/donate/ 

Hot Dish Militia: https://www.hotdishmilitia.org/donate 😊

Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Mississippi should donate to @ARC_Southeasthttps://arc-southeast.org/donate  

Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Missouri should donate to @MOAbortionFundhttps://mofund.org/donate  

Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Montana should donate to @SWicklundFundhttps://www.susanwicklundfund.org/donate/ 


Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Nebraska should donate to @NebraskaAR and @carerepro!

NEAR: https://givebutter.com/near 

CARE: https://abortionclinics.org/donate  

Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Nevada should donate to @wildwestfundhttps://www.wildwestfund.org/donate

Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in New Hampshire should donate to @ReproFundNHhttps://www.reprofundnh.com/donate.html  

Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in New Jersey should donate to @NJAAFhttp://njaaf.weebly.com/donate.html 

Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in New Mexico should donate to @nmrcrc @IWRising and Mariposa Fund!

NMRCRC: https://nmrcrc.org/donate

IWR: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/iwrising 

Mariposa: http://mariposafund.org/donation 

Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in New York should donate to @NYAAFhttps://www.nyaaf.org/donate  

Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in North Carolina should donate to @CarolinaAbtnFndhttps://carolinaabortionfund.org/donate  

Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in North Dakota should donate to @NDWINFundhttps://ndwinfund.org/donate


Anyone interested in promoting abortion in Ohio should donate to @WHOohio @PretermCLE and @aggiefund!

WHO-O: https://womenhaveoptions.nationbuilder.com/donate

Aggie: https://www.aggiefund.org/support-us   

Preterm:  https://www.preterm.org/support-us  

Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Oklahoma should donate to @roefundoklahomahttps://www.roefund.org/donate  

Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Oregon should donate to @nwaafundhttps://nwaafund.org/donate


Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Pennsylvania should donate to @WPAFund4Choice and @abortionfundpa!

WPA: https://www.wpafundforchoice.org/donate 

ALF-P: https://secure.acceptiva.com/?cst=216254  


Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Rhode Island should donate to @WHEFRIhttps://whefri.org/take-action 


Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in South Carolina should donate to @CarolinaAbtnFnd @psabortionfund and @ARC_Southeast!

ARC: https://arc-southeast.org/donate 

CAF: https://carolinaabortionfund.org/donate

PSA: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/psafund 

Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in South Dakota should donate to @JENSouthDakotahttps://www.jensd.org/donate  


Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Tennessee should donate to @MemphisCHOICES @AccessBrigade @ARC_Southeast or KCRH!

MAB: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/mountainaccessbrigade 

ARC: https://arc-southeast.org/donate 

Choices: https://memphischoices.org/get-involved/donate-now

KCRH: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=FMR5ZU92GCJV4 

Here are Texas funds to donate to! You can donate to 9 at once at https://moneyforabortions.com 😊 

@TEAFund @lilithfund @FundTexasChoice @casnhtx @westfundtx @LaFronteraFund @TheAfiyaCenter @BBFundTX

Learn more about the law and how to get an abortion at http://needabortion.org!!


Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Utah should donate to @UTabortionfundhttps://utabortionfund.org/donate  


Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Vermont should donate to @VermontAccess! https://www.vermontaccess.org/donate 

Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Virginia should donate to @BRAF_VA @RRFPva @HRRJLva and @nraafva!

Blue Ridge: https://blueridgeabortionfund.org/donate 

RRFP: https://www.rrfp.net/donate 

NRAAF: https://newriverabortionfund.org/donate

HRRJL: https://hrrjl.com/donate 


Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Washington should donate to @nwaafundhttps://nwaafund.org/donate

Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in West Virginia should donate to @HollerHealthhttps://secure.actblue.com/donate/hhj 

Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Wisconsin should donate to

@FreedomFundWI and @WMFWisconsin!

Freedom: https://paypal.me/freedomfundwi

WMF: https://wmfwisconsin.org/donate 

Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Wyoming should get involved with @WyomingChoicehttps://prochoicewyoming.org